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ICCF24 Presents: Lawrence Forsley - Contamination, Transportation or Transmutation...
ICCF24 Short Course Series feat Larry Forsley
ICCF24 Presents: Pamela Mosier-Boss - The Case of the Missing Tritium
ICCF24 Presents: George Egely - Direct Electric Energy Production by LENR
ICCF-21 - George Egely - Changes of Isotope Ratios in Transmutations
You can't always get what you want
ICCF24 Presents: Roundtable Discussions - Applications of S-SAFE
ICCF24 Presents: Guido Parchi - Evidence of Reproducible Tritium Production...
ICCF 24 Electron-electron bound state considering magnetic dipole-dipole interaction
ICCF24 Presents: Oliver Barham - US Navy HIVER Project: Nuclear, Thermal and RF Results